

GIUSEPPE SCHILLACI was born in Palermo on 1978. He lived in Bologna and Rome and now he lives in Paris, where he works as  writer and film director. Author of the novels  « The definitive age » (Liberaria Edizioni, 2015) presented at Salone del Libro of Turin and  “L’anno delle ceneri” (Nutrimenti Edizioni) selected for Premio Strega 2010 and short listed at John Fante Prize 2011.

Since 2014, he is editor of the litblog Nazione Indiana.

Author of many short stories published on the reviews Nazione Indiana, Sud, Atti Impuri, and translated in Portuguese for the review Mundo Mundano.Quoted in the under-40 best Itailan writers list of Il Sole 24Ore.

He is director and producer of documentary films, member of EURODOC, of the Board of Doc It and Italian Doc Screenings. He participated to many international pitching forums for documentary films (Venise Film Festival, FIPADOC of Biarritz, Docs Barcelona, Thessaloniki, IDS, IDFA Amsterdam, Hot Docs Toronto).

In 2024, he directed the feature-length documentary ‘ Bosco Grande ’ (77min), produced by Wendigo Productions, in co-production with France 3 Corse. World Premiere at Venice Days, Venice Film Festival (4 September), Best Film Award at Salina Doc Fest, Grand Prix of National Competition at FIPADOC of Biarritz.

Official Selection: Trace de Vie, Efebo d’Oro, Rome International Documentary Festival (Prix Zalab), FIPADOC Biarritz.

In 2022 he made the documentary “Il Modernissimo di Bologna,” produced by Kolam (France) in co-production with Cineteca di Bologna and Cine + (Canal Plus France), selected at Torino Film Festival 2022, Trace de Vie Festival; winner of the Best Film Prize at PriMed de Marseille and of the Special Prize of the Dams Juty at Rome International Documentary Festival.

In 2021 he made the fictional short film ZABUT (21 min), co-produced by PinUp Filmaking and Sicilia Film Commission (La Guarimba, Pigneto Film Festival, Santorini Film Festival, Sorsi Corti, Lake Travis Film Festival, MLIFF – New International Cinema, Social World Film Festival, Courts en Flèche, Athene Film Festival, etc ).

In 2019 he participated in Matera European Capital of Culture with the Virtual Reality short film “Transhumance” written with Aurelia Lassaque.

In 2017 « Tranzicion – art and power in Albania » is its fifth documentary as director, a Kolam production, co-produced by France Télévisions (official selection at History film Festival of Pessac and History Film Festival of Rjeka, Croatia).

In 2016 he directed the documentary film «The Shadow of the Godfather – researches for a film», co-produced by Stella Productions (France) et Zenit Arti Audiovisive (Italy). Audience Prize at Documentaria Festival, Noto, 2017.

In 2014, as scriptwriter and director, he got the co-developpement fund for Italia/France co-productions CNC/Mibact with the feature film project « Hotel Patria » (co-production Dugong Productions and Appel d’Air Film).

He is director and producer of the documentary “Apolitics Now!”, co-produced by Stella Productions and France Televisions (Audience Award Salina Doc Fest 2013, Best film Italian Cinema London 2014). He is author/director of the documentary “Cosmic Energy INC.” produced by EIE and Multicanal Spain, premiered in Toronto HOT DOCS 2011. Co-director and producer of the documentary film “The Cambodian Room – situations with Antoine D’Agata”, programmed by Arte TV in 2011. This film won the Special Prize of the Jury at Torino Film Festival 2009, the Best Film Prize Film Cinecittà Luce and has been selected in many festivals (IDFA, Split Film Festival, Cinema DOC, etc.).

He runs workshops of literature and cinema at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, documentary film degree. Producer of the documentary films “Il Limite” (2011) by Clac and “The Island Inside” (2008) by Ludovica Tortora de Falco, funded by the Italian Ministry of Culture. Location manager for the docu-fiction “Prove per una tragedia siciliana” by John Turturro (2008); production assistant for the feature film The Palermo Shooting by Wim Wenders (2007). Script-writer and project development manager for the film production companies Eurofilm and Cinemare (2006-2007). Production assistant for the movie “Il dolce e l’Amaro” di Andrea Porporati (2006) and the il film “All’amore assente” (2005) di Andrea Adriatico.


INSTAGRAM: giuschillaci3


Listen in Italian: interview RAI G SCHILLACI 18-01-23


Graduated  EURODOC Media: european training programme for development and production of documentary films in the international market (year  2007).

Master in Show Business Management at the University of Bologna on 2003; vote 110/110 (year 2003).

Graduated in Communication Studies at University of Bologna; vote 110/110; thesis in Semiotics with prof. Umberto Eco (year 2002).